(株式会社USEN・株式会社スターラップコーポレーション・株式会社さとう・株式会社渡辺製作所 等)
-唄と朗読- ろにか堂の活動では、全国の寺社仏閣・プラネタリウムにて日本の民話などを演奏している。
2021年5月「USEN kids」に楽曲提供し、子ども向けタブレット「Amazon kids+」に採用される。
2021年11月12日 一般社団法人ミュージックサークルLABO設立、代表理事に就任。
NPO法人すくすくあいね 副理事長
Akemi Matsumoto is a Japanese singer.
After graduating from Osaka College of Music, she made her opera debut as a member of Kansai Kageki Dan (Kansai Opera Company).
And gradually, she expanded her repertoire into pops, soundtracks, children's songs and her original music as well as classical songs.
In 2011, she performed at the 1800th Anniversary Celebration of Sumiyoshitaisha Shrine in Osaka and it was a big success.
Also in 2011 (up to the present), she started singing at a monthly event for kids at ATC (Asia and Pacific Trade Center) in Osaka.
As her ability as a singer and an entertainer was acclaimed, she is now performing at many other events there.
In 2012, she appeared in "Koto (ancient city) Collection" at Kyoto Prefectural Office.
Also in 2012, she formed a duo "Nota Rosa" with Takashi, a flamenco guitarist, and "Nota Rosa" has been performing regularly at a wine bar "Anniversary 2001" in Fukushima, Osaka.
In July of 2014, she performed in a fireworks festival at Yokohama Bay and grooved over 2000 audience wildly.
In September, she released two original albums "Muffin" and "Kimi no Sora ni" (“For your Sky”), and had her first recital at ATC Sunset Hall. All the tickets were sold out!
In December, she had Christmas dinner shows for four days at Hotel Keihanin in Universal Studio Japan.
In 2015, she launched her "killer" project “Ronica-Dou” (“Matsumoto Akemi” meets “Electronica”) with a composer Kenichi Nakamura, and their several concerts were triumphs!
“Ronica-Dou” is trying to combine Japanese classical literature with computer music and "Send the music to the world!" is their ultimate goal, so they are aiming higher and higher.
Hoping to be a singer like sunshine, she always entertains, heals, and relaxes her audience and makes them happy, happier and happiest by her velvety voice!
住吉大社 御鎮座1800年大奉納祭
APAホテル様 レセプションパーティ、Xmasディナー
ノボテル甲子園様 自主企画・演出
横浜市金沢区 サマーフェスタ
「マツモトアケミ スペシャルコンサート」を、自主企画・演出
ホテル京阪ユニバーサル・タワー様 マツモトアケミXmasライブショー
長野県安曇野市 穂高神社
大阪府池田市立五月山児童文化センター所有 プラネタリウム公演
大阪市福島区 西善寺